
The last spurt towards Ascension...

Again, it seems that the central sun is heating up after a calm period.
Over the last days, I have been getting tired very easily. It is probably related.
These last 6 months before 21st of December represent the last spurt of preparation for Ascension.
Take a look at what Cameron Day has to say in his article that I repost below:

June Update, Radio Show, Free Energy and more

The etheric temperature on the planet is rising.  Solar flare activity ramped up hugely this week, and nearly everyone is “feeling the heat” either in the weather or in their own internal sphere of consciousness. Do your best to stay calm, cool and connected, as you may find a lot of people and situations pushing your buttons.  Above all, keep that lower ego in check and remember to view situations and the ego flare-ups of yourself or others from the perspective of your Higher Self as much as possible.
The “grid” situation on the planet was pretty quiet for a couple of weeks, and  a lot of people felt like things were “on hold” but that all went away around July 3rd, then afew days the solar flares kicked up about 10 notches.  A lot of grid work was going on in June to help clear up the “social grid” that is generated by day to day interpersonal relationships. Much clarity has been introduced, so the couple of weeks of minimal activity was to let people adjust to the new frequency levels, and to allow lightworkers to get a little rest.
Now we’re back at full speed, so expect to be confronted with whatever you need to clear, forgive, transmute and transcend.
The ankle-biters are working overtime to generate negative emotional energy so that they will have enough etheric power to rebuild their crumbling empire.  They don’t want to accept that their reign is coming to an end, but that is to be expected.  One of the interesting things about etheric and astral ankle biters is that they can actually live within a person’s sub-conscious and unconscious levels of mind. It might sound weird, but I have encountered it repeatedly in my work.
Essentially, when we have unresolved issues or limiting patterns that we repeat often, we create a little dimension within our sphere of consciousness to house this pattern and all of the energies associated with it. Our various emotional energies are stored in this dimension along with self-created thoughtforms, projected energy from other people and various other elements of the repeated pattern.  These little dimensions also have plenty of room for a few ankle-biters to reside in as well.  It is important to be aware of this so that when we are doing clearing work, we can compassionately send these ankle biters to the Galactic Core to be transmuted into productive Universal citizens, instead of living as parasites in the deep shadows of the human psyche.
The tricky thing is that right now, the sub-conscious minds of people are the best hiding places for the ankle biters. This means we need to be extra careful about what kind of emotional energy we are empowering, so that we don’t inadvertently put out a “room for rent” sign for them.  Fortunately, the basic principles of energetic clearing, living from the heart, and embodying compassion and forgiveness goes a long way towards “sealing” our consciousness and not allowing any uninvited guests to come in.

Radio Show On June 29th

I did a really nice radio show two weeks ago (although it feels like 5 days ago…) on “In the Mind of DCS.”  She is a great interviewer and the whole show was a pleasure to do.  You can download an MP3 of it from the radio show archive here: http://www.ascensionhelp.com/ascension-help-radio.php
Just scroll to the bottom of the page for the download link.  One of my clients called it “A complete summary of what’s going on right now.”  Very flattering, but it’s more of a partial summary, as no single human has the complete picture.  (It’s a very large picture, to be sure…)  I even talk briefly about Cobra, for those of you who are curious.  icon smile June Update, Radio Show, Free Energy and more

Free Energy Finally?

The “Keshe” foundation has announced that they are going to bring free energy into the mainstream.  Could we FINALLY be at the place where free energy will be made available to one and all on planet Earth? Are we about to take this hugely important step in our evolution as a collective?  I hope so!
I haven’t had time to really investigate and vet this man or his organization.  Nonetheless, I like his style!  He is basically “calling out” the governments of the world and putting them on notice.  He says he will reveal full details of his “free” energy inventions to representatives of every nation in September. The idea is to give the information to all nations, and then let them implement it as fast as they are able (or willing) to do.  Big oil is surely not happy with this man, so let’s all hold him in our focus and intend that he is safe and more successful than anyone can imagine.
Please click this link to read his “World peace invitation and release of technology” announcement. Send it to your friends and networks if you are inspired to, and if you have the time, please check out the videos and information on the rest of the site.
My opinion / position on free energy is that it is a mandatory component of human awakening. To have a planet of awakened humans still using petroleum fuels is like an innocent person being released from prison but required to wear a ball and chain around their ankle.  It just does not fit.
Imagine every person having inexpensive technology that provides them with all the electricity they need at zero production cost.  Imagine EVERY single person on earth being equipped to fly to any place on the planet in a matter of minutes.  Imagine the kind of spiritual awakenings that will occur WHEN such technology is finally released and widely available. This is the ultimate “disruptive technology” which is why it has been suppressed for over 100 years since the era of Nikola Tesla.
I am personally very attached to the release of free energy, because along with the afore mentioned spiritual awakenings that it will trigger, 90% of the things that I want to invent depend on a small, infinite energy source to power them. Some quick examples: A laser lawn mower, laser “chain” saw with anti-gravity stability rings to gently lower the fallen tree, a remote-controlled “hot box” that goes inside of a wood stove and produces infinite heat with zero pollution. Then there is the floating bubble home, but that’s worthy of an article of its own some day. icon smile June Update, Radio Show, Free Energy and more
From every grounded perspective, the future is bright and teeming with amazing possibilities. As always, it is up to us to “steer the timeline” so that we manifest the best possible future for ourselves and the whole of humanity.  Our collective “good will” is getting stronger all the time, which makes us more effective at “timeline steering” the more we practice.  So keep on imagining the most wonderful potentials unfolding in your meditations.  Every thought makes an impact.
Much Love,
Cameron Day

Selamat Gajun, Selamat Ja.  (Sirian for Be one! and be in Joy!)

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